EMA Declaration - 18 October 2020
Deeply schocked and appalled by the barbaric act of a teacher’s assassination in the name of religious freedom, the EMA:
- Recognises Mr. Samuel Paty as a victim of religious obscurantism, promoted by a handful of extremists not representing the majority of the philosophical communities respectful of humanist principles ;
- Expresses its heartfelt support to the family and those close to Mr Samuel Paty ;
- Expresses its full support to all teachers, whose mission is the education of our children, their civic education as citizens and their understanding of individual and collective fundamental rights;
- Reminds that the constitutional principle of secularism guarantees each citizen the right to believe or not, to practice a religion or not, adopt a new religion or not.
- Reminds that freedom of conscience, fostered by the principle of secularism cannot blossom unless freedom of speech is guaranteed.
- Calls on European authorities to include the humanist principles of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity in all official documents relating to individual and collective freedoms, as they condition the « living together » of a democratic as well as appeased society.