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European Masonic Alliance and the Climate and Environmental Crisis

Considering the unprecedented climate and environmental crisis faced by our planet in recent years, as well as the related scientific reports and projections, the European Masonic Alliance puts forward the following recommendations.

A Climate Emergency

The EMA recommends that European institutions prioritize the climate crisis over economic or political interests and declare a state of climate emergency.

The EMA recommends that European institutions do everything possible to raise awareness of this crisis among citizens through education, and among the international community through international exchanges and various economic and social actors.

The EMA recommends that European institutions do everything possible to address the climate emergency through adequate measures, fighting for the prevention and remediation of the consequences of climate change.

Independence from Economic or Commercial Interests

The EMA recommends that European institutions consider the climate crisis, its analysis, and the measures to be taken independently of economic and commercial interests, such as the interests of multinationals or groups defending the commercial interests of fossil fuels at the expense of renewable energies.

Specifically, the EMA recommends that European institutions ensure that lobbyists serving any commercial interests do not influence decision-making related to the ecological crisis.

Binding Measures

European institutions should be the international leaders in environmental awareness and the fight against global warming and its effects. Consequently, the EMA recommends that European institutions ensure that COP (Conference of the Parties) and more broadly, international authorities affiliated with the United Nations, go beyond recommendations and also implement binding measures, declaring a state of emergency for an issue as significant as the survival of humanity.

The EMA recommends that European institutions also, within the European community, not be content with declarations of intent without legal force.

Condemnation of Climate Skepticism

The EMA firmly condemns any climate-skeptic ideology that would tend to diminish awareness of the climate and environmental crisis and reduce or eliminate appropriate political measures.

European institutions should do everything possible to reduce the impact of movements promoting climate skepticism.

Humanism, Migration, and Solidarity with Less Developed Countries

The EMA recommends that European institutions demonstrate humanism, foresight, and a sense of responsibility regarding population movements induced by the climate crisis. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its values should be the reference guiding all decision-making.

The EMA recommends that European institutions show solidarity by helping less developed countries that are most exposed to the consequences of the climate crisis.

Alexandre Rauzy, 05/02/2024